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Understanding the True Meaning of Christmas-A Letter for my Daughter

Susan Yip | English Translation: Linda Yang

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My dear child,

Merry Christmas! Every year's end, from the lights and decorations, presents, feasts, and parties, we know that Christmas is almost upon us. I know that you are busy buying presents. But now is also the most important time to know the true meaning of Christmas. We need to think about Christ's birth and who He really was. We need to know the Jesus who came to give us the gift of eternal life.

This gift is often refused or ignored by many people. Even though you have attended church and understood the gospel, you still have not accepted this gift. We, as Christians, are all worried about the people who do not accept this gift, a gift of grace from God. So why do people refuse it? Because this is part of a secret of life. Jesus and the prophets of the Old Testament once said something like this: "Your eyes are open but don't see a thing, your ears are open but don't hear a thing." Jesus had come; everyone knows about the legend of the baby in the manger, but do they know that the baby is truly the Son of God? Did Jesus who had died on the cross really came back to life and ascended into heaven? If it were true, is there an end of all days? And at that end, is He to come again, as a king to judge all nations?

The other day when you watched the youth group perform "The Baby in the Manger", did you notice the three wise men of the East come and present the babe with three presents? Which three? The New Testament records them to be: gold, frankincense, and myrrh. Yesterday, the pastor asked everyone why they gave these three and not diamonds or other things. Then, he studied the Bible and explained to us the meanings of these three gifts.

Gold represents regality, meaning Jesus was king. Two thousand years ago in history, Jesus was born in a manger and led a lowly life. At 33 years of age, he did not go to school, but spoke about the kingdom of heaven with the authority of a king. The various prophecies regarding the Messiah in the Old Testament were fulfilled in Him. He was the Messiah that the prophets of Israel hoped for. The prophet Isaiah said that:

"For a child has been born-for us!

The gift of a son-for us!

He'll take over the running of the world.

His names will be: Amazing Counselor, Strong God,

Eternal Father, Prince of Wholeness."

Isaiah 9:6

Frankincense represents sacrifice, meaning Jesus was priest. God chose the people of Israel, set apart as holy from the other nations of the world, representing the people of the kingdom of heaven. God had given them their laws, including the Ten Commandments, helped them build a temple, and set ceremonies of worship and sacrifice as well as appointing the Levites as priests. God used the method of sacrifice to teach people how to be holy. When they see the animals dying, they should realize that they have sinned and need to pay the blood sacrifice. The book of Leviticus records that "When someone brings a grain offering to the LORD, his offering is to be of fine flour. He is to pour oil on it, put incense on it" (Lev. 2:1). During the times of the Old Testament, priests were required to be holy because he was the "middleman" between God and people. The Bible clearly states that "a great high priest who has gone through the heavens, Jesus the Son of God" (Heb. 4:14).

Myrrh and frankincense both represent the holy sacrifice of perfumes, meaning that Jesus Christ is our eternal Saviour. Since the creation of the universe, God clearly states that sin has separated Him and people. Sinners were condemned to die. Our bodies of flesh have committed the original sin, coming from dust, and to dust they must return. During Old Testament times, livestock was sacrificed for our redemption. In one way, the animal symbolized the sinner, getting punished instead of the sinner. In another way, the death of the animal represented that salvation needed the sacrifice of another life. Livestock, such as cows or sheep, must be without blemish or defect, representing holiness. The Son of God came down to this world on a mission to pay the price for all sinners because He was, in all aspects, holy and pure. Jesus' sacrifice was the world's last offering. He took our sins upon Himself. People need only to believe in Him to receive His forgiveness and salvation.

Life is limited. How many Christmases can we actually experience? So during this Christmas season, thinking on and understanding the real meaning of Christmas is vital.

