
×÷Õß¡ÃLinda Yang, ÖÐÎÄ·­Òë¡ÃÑî¹â

A Season of Thanksgiving

By Linda Yang, Chinese Translation:

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Writing and translating for the bilingual column in the Truth Monthly has been a rewarding and fruitful experience for me. It has taught me a lot about writing and translating skills, but more importantly, I was able to grow closer to my Lord Jesus. Each article I translate has, in my point of view, great insight into the Christian faith or people's perception of what God is like. I am grateful for the chance God has given me to serve Him and share His Word with those who read the newspaper through something I love doing-writing.

I am a grade 11 student attending Cambie Secondary School in Richmond and I have been translating articles for this column ever since it had begun, which is about three years ago. It had never occurred to me to start volunteer writing for the Truth Monthly until two of my church friends had the idea of contributing their own articles and I decided to join them. What had been a desire to be with friends is now a major part of my life. What I do basically each month is to translate into English or Chinese a piece of Christian writing that I find insightful or touching either through email circuits or by contribution. The Lord has blessed this ministry and I have had many writers contributing their work. Many of my friends wanted their testimonies to be translated and published so that more people could know their stories. My email pals forwarded me pieces of writing they found helpful in their walks with Christ. If you have anything you would like to be published that you feel would help bring people closer to God, please feel free to send it to the newspaper office (the address is on the front page) and we'll be glad to consider it for publication.

It hasn't been a smooth ride by far. There were times when I procrastinated or was too busy throughout the month and couldn't meet the deadlines. There were times when I couldn't find the right words to write. But praise the Lord, I have two great friends who I can rely on to do quite a bit of translating (they're better at Chinese than I am, really). I really need to thank the Lord for blessing me with my father for reading all of my drafts and correcting all my errors. I also would like to thank people who have sent us letters and emails giving us encouragement and affirmation. Your words have inspired me to put in even more effort and assured us that people out there are able to read the articles and find comfort and hope. If you have any suggestions and/or comments, please feel free to drop me a note. Of course, the highest honour and glory and praise goes up to Jesus Christ, the Lord of heaven and earth. It was Him, who died on the Cross almost 2000 years ago, washed my sins away. It was Him who saved me, who gave me the ability to write and translate and it was Him who opened the path for this ministry. Praise the Lord!

On the tenth anniversary of the founding of this newspaper, I wanted to take this chance to reflect the work that I have been doing and lift up to the Lord any praises and thanks as well as any difficulties. I want people to know that this newspaper would not have been possible without the grace and mercy of the Almighty. Please pray for this ministry and the people involved that all of the articles we publish will reach out to people all over the Greater Vancouver area as well as the world and that God can work through these articles to connect with His people.