

作者:孫然     翻譯:小米

從 15 歲起,我就想成為註冊會計師。可到了大學,我卻因會計課程太難,而轉了金融。

Double2008 年底畢業後,我滿世界地發簡歷,卻一直音信全無;到了最後,只能靠平時攢下來的硬幣度日。隨著硬幣地慢慢減少,我每天都在發簡歷前急迫地禱告。我好像一個小孩子纏著大人要玩具一樣,得不到就又哭又鬧﹐我對神的信心已所剩無幾。

在痛苦中,我想到了以賽亞書 41 章 10 節:"你不要害怕,因為我與你同在;不要驚惶,因為我是你的神。我必堅固你,我必幫助你,我必用我公義的右手扶持你。"我知道心裡的不安絕對不是主所喜悅的。我告訴自己必須要有信心,而正是在這段時間裡,我學會了等候神。

在那些日子,還有另一句經文一直支撐著我:"兩個麻雀不是賣一分銀子嗎? 若是你們的父不許,一個也不能掉在地上;...... 所以,不要懼怕! 你們比許多麻雀還貴重。"縱然困難重重,但我知道上帝是信實的。所以我的心裡開始有了平安。我的禱告也變成了"主啊,我相信您不會讓我沒錢的,因為我比麻雀珍貴。既然您沒讓麻雀掉在地上,您更不會讓我跌倒。"


再後來,我回了中國。在一所全英語教學的國際高中裡教會計。我在那所中學的教學經歷使得我學會了如何克服困難。我於是又想起了自己 15 歲那年的夢想,我想要成為一名註冊會計師。我終於有勇氣、有信心去學好那些難懂的會計課了。所以我禱告,希望可以繼續學習。我準備把成績不夠的課程再學一遍。可在收到會計師協會的評估信時,我驚得目瞪口呆。我在大學裡學過的所有課程,不管成績如何,全部被准許免修﹐這實在是上帝的恩典。

由於會計師協會對於工作經驗的要求,我決定回加拿大。回來後,我所面臨的情況和剛畢業那年非常類似。我又開始帶著《聖經》裡面有關兩隻麻雀的應許找工作。我的禱告沒變,我也還是願意按照上帝的旨意行。當我又一次當場被僱傭的時候,我就覺得神的旨意再明確不過了。所以儘管那家公司離我家足足有 40 公里,我還是高興地答應了。公司很小,所以大大小小的會計事務都是我一個人做,使得我從毫無經驗到了經驗豐富。




The Last Has Become The First -- A Testimony from Silvia Sun
Written by Silvia Sun Translated by Naomi

Since I was 15, I set my goal to be a Certified General Accountant. However, when I was about to finish my undergraduate study, I realized how difficult the accounting courses were. As a result, I got my degree in finance instead.

After I graduated at the end of 2008, I tried my best to find a job. However, there was no job for me. I sent out resumes every day, but nothing happened. I started to pray before I gave away every single resume, but that did not work either. I had to rely on my piggy bank during those days. I became angry and exhausted. I was like a kid again. When I can't get what I want, I was crying and yelling.

When I was struggling, a Bible verse helped me. It ws Isaiah 41: 10, "So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand." I knew that the anxiety in my heart was not from the Lord. I told myself to trust the Lord. It was during that period, I learned my lesson to wait upon the God's timing.

During those days, I was also benefited by other verses, such as "Are not two sparrows sold for a penny? Yet not one of them will fall to the ground outside your Father's care...So don't be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows." There were so many difficulties in front of me.

However, I believed in God's faithfulness. Because of such belief, I stared to have peace in me. I prayed for God's guidance. My prayer was, "I know that you will provide me for my life because I am worth more than many sparrows. Since you didn't let the sparrows fall to the ground, you won't let me fall. "

When I finally got a few interviews, my faith towards the Lord became stronger. I prayed to the Lord: "Dear Lord, I really want to have a job. However, I am willing to work for your will not for mine. If you want me to take the offer, please let the employer hire me right away.

Otherwise, I won't take the offer no matter how much they will pay me. If I really want to go for the wrong direction, please stop me by all means." Long story short, I was hired by a company right after the interview. Because of God's grace, I had a really good pay even the job market was affected by a economic crisis.

Later, I went to China. I got a job in an international high school as their accounting teacher. Because of my teaching experiences, I was able to pass difficult accounting exams. And then, I remembered my dream career long time ago. I wanted to be a CGA. After these many years, I finally had courage to face the difficult account courses. Therefore, I prayed to the Lord for an opportunity to continue my study. I knew I was not qualified, and I was ready to take all the courses again. Surprisingly, all my grades were good enough according to the evaluation letter from CGA. God had generously pulled his grace on me.

Because of the requirements from CGA, I came back Canada. After I was arrived, there was another set of challenges in front of me. With the hope from Bible and the promise about sparrows, I stared my job hunting again. My prayer was still the same. Therefore, I was pretty sure that the job was from the Lord when a company offered me a position right after the interview. I accepted the offer even if the company was 40 km away from my home. I happily took the position because of the assurance from above. The company was fairly small. Therefore, I had to do all kinds of accounting jobs by myself, which made me to be very experienced within a short time.

God helped me so much that I would be interested in accounting again. When I graduated from University, I was below average. I didn't have any experience, and my income was fairly low when I was in China. However, the lord worked everything out. He made me fully equipped and gave me decent jobs. I did not study for CGA courses until 3 years after my graduation. By that time, many of my peers had started long time ago. However, I was able to accomplish more courses than most of them by now. The progress of my career path was exactly like what written in Bible, "the last will be first, and the first will be last."

My career always reminds me the faithfulness of Jesus Christ. Even if I was so suffering that I had to stop studying accounting, the Lord Jesus has never gave me up. He leads me to the right path. I praised the Lord for remembering my dream. I thank God for protecting the dream from the very beginning.