

作者:翁登科     翻譯:小米

經過兩個月的住院治療,路加的腦癌好轉了一點,醫生對我兒子說,"你剛做完化療,又馬上接著做放射線治療,以後頭髮不會再長出來。"他聽後很傷心!我告訴他,"你的頭髮神都數過,神沒有容許決不會失去,你向神禱告向神求!" 於是他每天真的向神禱告希望能長出頭髮,後來頭髮真的漸漸長出來,現在他的頭髮長得很茂密,烏黑又漂亮已經理髮好幾次了。至此之後,路加的心裡也越來越有信心,明白神掌權、神拯救、神幫助是神要在他身上彰顯奇妙醫治的大能。









當我們面臨艱難痛苦時,我們切記不要驚慌,神對我說:"你要安靜!知道我是神!" 祂也要對你說這句話!將重擔痛苦交給祂,神必施行拯救!見證路加的醫治過程,使我們全家都在神面前交上了一份信心的功課,也領受神的慈愛和他豐富的恩典。


雖然前面要走的路還很長、很艱辛,但我們乃然堅信靠主得勝有餘。當我們傷心、面臨絕境時,我們大家都要記得不害怕、不灰心!主耶穌是我們得拯救的唯一盼望!祂的大能與慈愛,能使我們勝過一切苦難! 神要我們安靜,在安靜中經歷祂的同在、信實與真平安,我們大家都將看見神大能奇妙的作為。


耶穌說:凡勞苦擔重擔的人可以到我這裡來,我就使你們得安息。 (太11:28)


祂也說:我留下平安給你們;我將我的平安賜給你們。我所賜的,不像世人所賜的。你們心裏不要憂愁,也不要膽怯。 (約14:27)


 我將這些事告訴你們,是要叫你們在我裏面有平安。在世上,你們有苦難;但你們可以放心,我已經勝了世界。 (約16:33)





Be still, and know that I am God!-- A Testimony by Tengkoweng Weng (Part 2) 

Written by Tengkoweng Weng     Translated by Naomi

After staying in hospital for two months, Luke was finally starting to recover from his brain surgery. His doctor told him, "You've just had radiation therapy right after chemotherapy. It will be impossible for your hair to grow back in the future." Luke was very sad after hearing this news. I told him, "God has counted the number of hairs on your head. Without permission from Jesus, you would not lose a single hair. You can pray to the Lord for new hair." And then, Luke stared to pray for his new hair. Gradually, his hair grew back. By now, Luke has so much hair that we have had to cut his hair several times. After having experienced God's care for his hair, Luke has developed a much stronger faith in Christ. He truly understands how the Lord has always been in control. He believes that Jesus saves and that Jesus helps. It is the Almighty God who has planned to use Luke's life to show His divine glory from the heavens.

After a while, the doctors gave us a medical report about Luke's tumour. They told us that the tumour had disappeared completely. They were amazed by Luke's recovery. I thanked the Lord in heart. I know that Luke's healing is because of the Lord's miraculous power. His love is kind. His love is astonishing. He has saved us in the middle of these crises. He has led Luke through the valley of death.

While my son was staying in the hospital, God has shown His kindness through many people. Many brothers and sisters in church prayed, with tears, for Luke. They even fasted for his healing. Their help and faithfulness enabled Luke to fight through many deadly situations. It is by God's protection that Luke was able to face all these dangers with peace.


It has been one year now since Luke's brain tumour has disappeared. Luke is doing well but his brain is slightly impaired because of the surgery, chemotherapy and radiation therapy treatments. His pituitary gland and hypothalamus have completely lost their functions. Luke will have to take medicine for the rest of his life. He also lost half of his eye sight. He can only see the items directly in front of his eyes. The doctors told us that his eyes are permanently damaged; there is no way for this to be healed. However, we sincerely believe the Lord has a wonderful plan for him. We know God is capable.


Luke has experienced a lot of difficulties these past several years. He has suffered from Tourette's syndrome, anxiety disorder, obsessive compulsive disorder and cancer. However, Luke is able to rely on God. God listen our prayers. He saved Luke. If not for the divine faith and strength from above, we would not have been able to face so many trails. Having faith in God means respecting God as the almighty creator; and God values such a faith.


When we are facing painful tests, we should fear no evil. God tells me, "Be still, and know that I am God" He also gives you the same promise. We can cast our anxiety on him, and he will save us from all kinds of troubles. Witnessing Luke's healing process first-hand has become blessing to all of our families. Together, we handed in our divine assignment to the Lord. We showed him we had faith and trusted in his guidance. In return, he offered us his kindness and abundant grace. 

We know that we still have a long way to go. There are lots of challenges before us. However, we are fully convinced in the Lord's ability to conquer all things. It is never a mistake to rely on Him. If we are hurt and desperate, we must remember to take courage in Christ. The salvation from the Lord is our only help. His great love and power has helped us to win every battle against evil. The Lord asks us to be still. When we are still, we will experience his presence, faithfulness and true peace. We will see his tremendous wonders.

Jesus said, "Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest." (Matthew 11:28)

He also said, "Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid." (John 14:27)

"I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world." (John 16:33)