

作者:盧國禮     翻譯:孫雅頌

2001 年 911 恐怖襲擊的發生對於美國乃至全世界來說都是一場災難。那兩棟建築,曾經是紐約市中心最有聲望的辦公大樓,象徵著整個世界的財富與能力,在嚴備的高科技保安措施下,竟在數分鐘之內被夷為平地。誰能夠想像這些廢墟和塵土,成為了上千無辜民眾的最後寄居地,他們在這場慘絕人寰的浩劫當中喪失了自己的生命?




從某重程度上來說,911 喚醒了整個世界。並且,毋庸置疑地,這次事件促使了美國人民深度反思他們的生活方式。當他們試圖復興其先輩的宗教信仰,重新評估生命的意義時,實際墮落與慾望都已經被深深植入了這個社會,許多人開始意識到他們的生命裡缺乏真正的信仰。那些以基督為信仰的人在公眾場合都是前所未有的明顯。布什總統公開和人民一起祈禱願上帝祝福美國。我們感謝上帝對他的恩典來復興更多失喪的靈魂。







在《聖經》當中,你可以看 到「舊約」有39卷書,「新約」有27卷書,總共66卷。舊約寫於耶穌降世之前,新約寫於耶穌降世之後。距離寫舊約最後一卷書到新約第一卷書間隔大概有四百年的時間,從瑪拉基書到馬太福音。然而舊約是用希伯來文所寫(有少數段落是亞蘭文)新約是用希臘文所寫。








The Bible and You

Written by Francis Loo     Translated by Ruth Sun

The 9-11 in year 2001 was the devastating shocking moment in New York, U.S.A., as well as in the whole world. Two tallest buildings, the most prestigious state of the art offices in the hustle and bustle city core -- the image of wealth and power of the world -- under the strict surveillance of high-tech security control, were razed to the ground in minutes. Who could imagine that these sites of rubbles and dust have become the final resting place for thousands of innocent people who have lost their lives in this coward, brutal massacre?


No sooner than the attack had occurred, President George Bush declared that America saw evil and was at war between righteousness and sin. Many share their grief and feel sympathetic with them their "un-yielding anger". As a result, the national unity was strengthened more than before. A joint international effort of U.S. with other nations to uproot the evil and the sin (or terrorism) is continuing at war.


To look at the situation in the right perspective, we must refer to what the Bible says. Over two thousand years ago God came in flesh to this world in Jesus Christ.


For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him. Whoever believes in him is not condemned, but whoever does not believe stands condemned already because he has not believed in the name of God's one and only Son. (John 3:16 – 18, NIV.)


But until this century, there are still many peoples who choose to disbelieve the true God; People deem so many things as gods and only trust their own consciousness.


To certain degree, 9-11 has awakened the world. And, undoubtedly, this adverse event prompted the Americans to reflect deep in their hearts their ways of life against their heritage. When they try to revive their original religious faith of their forefathers and to reevaluate the true meaning of life vis-à-vis the present American ways of life which are reflected by prosperity, vice and lust all have been ingrained in North America, many have begun to realize their lack of true faith . The sudden change of faith of people to Christ Jesus is miraculously noticeable in public. President Bush and their people prayed publicly to God for blessing America. We are grateful to God for His grace to restore the souls of many.


Some spiritual leaders say, "Jesus Christ is our life architect and the Bible is our blueprint." Since Jesus Christ is our life architect, we must believe that God will provide the best blueprint of life for us. We ought to read the Bible daily for His guidance. "But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and these things will be given to [us] as well." (Matthew 6:33, NIV).


What is the Bible?


Why do we need to study the Bible for our guidance in life? What authority the Bible has over our lives? What is that the Bible can do we cannot do for us? In other words, what transforming power the Bible has over our lives?


The Bible is not a continued story. It consists of short chapters and verses. Some are poetry, others prose. Some are historical, others prophetical. Some missionary reports, others are church letters or personal correspondence. The Bible is not a collection of literal work of some writers. But one of the strongest evidences that the Bible was prepared under divine direction is its unity of thoughts and teaching. All speak of the same God, all uplift the same standards of righteousness, all tell of divine judgment and eternal reward. None contradicts another. Bible is God's Word.


Time and again down the centuries deliberate efforts have been made to get rid of the Bible, but always in vain. No persecution, however severe, no subtle attacks, however cunning, have been able to destroy it or diminish its influence for good. The Bible could not have been preserved from its many enemies if God had not watched over it with special care.


The Bible is divided into two sections, labeled "Old Testament" and "New Testament." Why part of it is marked "Old" and part of it "New", when in fact it is all old? Perhaps you have wondered who wrote the Bible, and when. Did one person write it all, or is it the work of several authors?


Now, let's look at the Bible as a whole. Actually, it isn't a single book, but a collection of books. It has been called a life library. Indeed, it is.


In each Bible, you will see that there are 39 books grouped under the section marked "Old Testament" and 27 under the "New Testament", 66 all told. Many of these "books" are not really books at all in the usual meaning of the word. Some are merely letters, while others are messages so short that they could be copied on two or three typewritten pages.


The Old Testament was written before Christ and the New Testament after Christ. Approximately four hundred years elapsed between the writing of the last book of the Old Testament -- Malachi -- and the writing of Matthew, the first book in the New Testament. While the Old Testament was written in Hebrew (with a few passages in Aramaic), the New Testament was written in Greek.


The 66 books were the works of some thirty-five authors. Moses is credited with writing all the first five books, namely, Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy. Paul wrote all thirteen letters, from Romans through to Philemon, and possibly also Hebrews. David wrote many of the Psalms; Solomon who are credited Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, and the Song of Solomon; Luke wrote both the books of Luke and Acts; and John, who wrote the Gospel of John, three epistles, and the book of Revelation.


Surprisingly, all the authors with different background and experience at different times in history marvelously blended the words they wrote together for over 2000 years on one subject, i.e., Jesus Christ is our Savior.


I am the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End (Revelation 22:13, NIV).


Paul said:「..[T]he holy Scriptures, which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith in Christ Jesus. All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness」 (2 Timothy 3:15 – 16, NIV).


Let us pray --


Heavenly Father: Please forgive our ignorance. Please forgive our pride. Please teach us to be humble. O Lord! Whenever we read Your Word, please enlighten us and teach us how to live our lives according to your will. In the name of Jesus Christ, we pray. Amen.