【雙語園地】遵行必蒙福--林中煌的見證 (上)


遵行必蒙福--林中煌的見證 (上)
作者:林中煌     翻譯:小米

2014 年 1 月 23 日,大家正開心的忙著準備過農曆年,媽與哥還有親戚們聚在一起,確有著完全不同的心情,因為大家在榮總醫院裡,心中充滿著不安與擔心,不知道在媽腦中長的一些不明物體是甚麼,好像影響到了她的記憶認知﹐也造成行為能力的下降。住院的一個星期檢查,醫師認為是初步的慢性腫瘤,需要再做詳細切片才能確定,醫生認為媽年紀已經七十七歲了﹐不太適合動刀,媽也認為太危險﹐而很多人也這麼認為,於是也就沒再做下一步的處理就回家休養了。

到了 2014 年 5 月 12 日,媽覺得左手沒力,身體的左半邊感覺有些麻木,對行為能力影響更大了,哥趕快帶她去永和耕莘急診,MRI 的報告顯示,腦中的腫瘤約有雞蛋那麼大的範圍了,而右腦部腫脹而失去了正常的形狀,腦中心線已偏移往左邊。第二天哥又帶她去台大腦專科檢查,醫師說腫瘤長在運動神經上,台灣能做這種手術的恐怕非常少,只能開了點類固醇和消水腫的藥,讓媽回家了。開刀或放療都不能做,意思是只能順其自然了。這時面臨到的就是還有多久的日子?要怎麼安頓生活?該怎麼辦?大家都在想辦法來照顧媽,忙著找外勞與幫傭,準備要面臨病情惡化後的照顧以及所有的問題。她的兩個妹妹每天輪流來照顧她,親戚朋友電話問候不斷,台灣教會的會友知道我媽生病後,長老和小組長和很多會友都來探訪,整個教會也替我媽禱告,而遠在加拿大的我也只能禱告之外還是禱告,我所屬的教會也替她的醫治來禱告。

在今年四月底時,牧師給我們夫妻一個台灣特會 DVD,我們看完很有感動,有個說不出的感覺,一種神要做些甚麼事的感覺。那幾天我們都在分享討論,我媽的事就出現了,我難過了一整天,聖靈安慰了我並賜給我信心,我心中被緊張和興奮的心情取代,我知道 神彰顯祂榮耀的時刻到了,很多人要見證耶穌的醫治大能。我跪下跟 神認罪,我的信心不夠,我驕傲、犯了很多罪,請 神潔淨我,赦免我,請 神賜給我與祂同工的機會,我宣告﹝我願意不惜任何代價﹞,請教導我如何可以求得耶穌的醫治。聖靈當天果然大大的充滿我,我答應 耶穌我要花更多的時間來傳揚福音,請耶穌來帶領我。

感謝主!我工作的公司老闆和主管也都是基督徒,老闆每個星期五都有家庭禱告醫治會,也常分享一些 神醫治的例子。他告訴我,他會替我媽禱告並腫瘤要消失,加添了我對 神醫治的信心。我感謝 神奇妙的安排。

我在 5 月 19 日趕到台灣了,回到家的當天,她說話還算清楚但行為能力卻是有些混亂,但感謝主的是,我媽有親愛的兄弟姊妹,我的阿姨還有我哥嫂這些愛她的家人,幫我媽打理飯食及生活起居,讓媽不致孤單無助。晚上我給她看一個有關醫治的主日講道,要關上那不信的門。在聖經中記載,當時耶穌斥責風和海,風和海就大大地平靜了。我的牧師說過: 神是使不好變好的神,破壞拆毀的工作是屬撒但的。聖靈又透過另一位牧師教導我:當主耶穌被釘十架上時,已打破撒旦所有權勢,主耶穌並將所有權柄賜給我們,我們就要去奉耶穌基督的名行神蹟﹐傳福音。

我替媽禱告,請耶穌親自來斥責那背後的黑暗的權勢,奉耶穌基督的名吩咐疾病離開,疾病無任何權力在媽的身體裡,這身體是屬主耶穌的,主耶穌的寶血遮蓋。並奉 耶穌基督的名來命令腫瘤離去、癌細胞離去、負面思想離去……﹐請母親饒恕我的不孝,並請耶穌大大祝福我的母親,我的母親也要祝福她的每一個子孫。

有天我幫媽禱告後,她說她的禱告跟我不一樣,她是求神早點帶她回天家,這樣下去會拖累太多人了,最好請 神趕快帶她走,這樣一切都不再煩惱了。還勸我說:信可以,不要太迷了,親戚朋友都覺得我太迷了。可是 神藉著兩句經文一直在告訴我:

神將祂升為至高,又賜給祂那超乎萬名之上的名,叫一切在天上的、地上的,和地底下的,因耶穌的名無不屈膝,無不口稱「耶穌基督為主」,使榮耀歸與父 神。(腓2:9)

患難生忍耐,忍耐生老練,老練生盼望;盼望不至於羞恥。(羅5:3-5) (未完待續)





Blessed Are The Obedient--A Testimony From Tom Lin 

Written by Tom Lin     Translated by Naomi

On 23 January 2014, people were happily preparing for Chinese New Year. Meanwhile, Mum and my older brother had a serious gathering with other family members in Taiwan. They stayed in Taipei Veterans General Hospital because they were worry about my Mum’s health. Doctors had discovered something in her brain. No one knew exactly what it was. However, her memory got greatly affected, and she was losing her mobility. Before that day, Mum had stayed in hospital for a week. Doctors diagnosed her with a chronic tumour. They needed further examinations in order to know what kind of tumour it was. However, doctors believed Mum was not suitable for surgery as a 77-year-old lady. My families accepted the suggestions of doctors. As a result, Mum went home without having any medical treatment.

On 12 May 2014, Mum felt that her left hand was really weak. And then, she couldn’t feel the left side of her body. She couldn’t move much. My bother took her to emergency. According to a MRI report, the size of brain tumour was as big as an egg. Mum’s right brain was deformed because of swollen. The centre of her brain was pressed to her left side. The day next, my brother took her to see a brain specialist. The doctor said her tumour was on a motoneuron. Few people in Taiwan could perform a operation for her. After gave her some regular medicine, Mum was asked to take a rest at home. No operation, no radiotherapy, nothing much could be done to heal her. How many days left for my Mum? What kind of life would we have? What should we do? Everybody were working together to take care of my Mum, look for caregivers, and prepare for potential challenges coming soon. Two younger sisters of her took turns visiting her. Other families and friends sent their greetings by phone. After members from Taiwanese Church noticed that my Mum was sick, group leaders and elders visited her. The whole church was praying for her. I was still in Canada, far away from home. I could do nothing but keep praying for her. Her name was also on the prayer life of My church.

Sometime in April, my Pastor gave me a DVD. It was talking about a retreat in Taiwan. After finished watching, both my wife and I were touched. We felt the Lord planned something for us. During those days, our conversations were all about the retreat. Soon after that, I was told my Mum was ill. From the morning to the evening, I was very sad because of the bad news. Later, Holy Spirit comforted me by giving me more faith. My heart was filled by excitement. I was waiting for the moment to glorify God’s name. I knew many people would witness the healing power of Jesus Christ. I kneeled down in front of God to confess my sins. My faith was not enough. I was proud. I had committed many sins. I asked God to purify me and forgive me. I asked the Lord for a chance to work with him. I promised the Lord to spend more time for his kingdom. I asked him for godly wisdom in order to have his healing. Later that day, I was filled by Holy Spirit. I sincerely asked Jesus to lead me.

Praise the Lord! Both my boss and manager were Christians. Every Friday, my boss held a prayer at home. During the meeting, they often prayed to the Lord for healing. They also shared testimonies of God’s healing; He told me that he would pray for my Mum. He prayed that the tumour would disappear. His prayer made my faith stronger. I praised the Lord for his divine plan.

I was finally arrived in Taiwan on May 19.When I arrived home, Mum was able to talk freely, but she kept losing control of her body. Praised the Lord that Mum had a lot of godly brothers and sisters. She was deeply loved by my Aunties, my older brother, his wife and all the other family members. They took a good care of her life. She was never lonely. In the evening, I shared a sermon with her. The sermon was about how God heals. I asked her to deal with her unbelieving heart. According to Bible scriptures, Jesus rebuked the storm at sea, and the storm was calmed down. My pastors once told me, God could make good out of biggest trouble. Satan was aiming for destroying us. However, Jesus had overcome the evil one on the cross. He broke the authority of Satan. He gave us all authorities. Therefore, we should preach gospel, and all the signs from Christ would be with us.

I prayed for my Mum. I asked God to fight with the evil power attracting my Mum. I prayed to the Lord for divine healings. I proclaimed that illness had no authority in my Mum. She belonged to Lord Jesus. She was covered by the blood of Jesus. I also prayed in the name of Jesus for removing the tumour, the brain cancer, and any negative thought. I asked my Mum to forgive me for I was not filial. I asked Jesus to bless Mum and her decedents.

One day, Mum told me that her prayer was different from mine. She prayed to the Lord for taking her to heaven as soon as possible. She thought it would release all the family members from taking care of her. It would be better if the Lord take her from this life. In this way, she would no longer have any worries. She thought it is good to believe in Christ. However, she also warned me not to be too obsessed with God. All my families thought I was possessed by Christian faith. Meanwhile, God kept encouraging me through following verses:

Philippians 2:9 Therefore God exalted him to the highest place and gave him the name that is above every name,

Romans 5:3-5 Suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope. And hope does not put us to shame.

(To be continued)