

作者:K.A.   翻譯:鍾楨

本文標題所提到的這句經節,你是否早就耳熟能詳?說起來容易,做起來難是不是? "信靠神" 這句話,是我們在教會裡經常可以聽到的。有時候,因為經常說,我們可能會忽略它的真意。當我們在自己的生活當中經歷種種困難,而人們告訴我要 "信靠神" 實際並不會讓我覺得好受些。他們所說的話,我往往聽過就算,然後繼續為了我眼前的問題憂慮。



是的,我們很容易就 "倚靠自己的聰明" 行事了。我們自己的理解往往在不知不覺中就成為了我們一舉一動的驅動力,因為這是一種感覺起來再自然不過的事情,是一種我們從小到大、與生俱來的行為模式。但是,神的智慧卻往往與這種屬世的方式南轅北轍。


• 如果你不自求多福,沒人會管你的死活。

• 你有越多東西,你過得越快樂。

• 你要有仇必報,讓那些傷害你的人付出代價。



怎樣才叫在一切所行的事上認定 神呢?這句經節我以前讀過很多遍,但直道昨天才真正明白它到底在講的是什麼。

在我們所做的一切事情上認定祂﹐是指順服他的教導和引領。我們經常會遇到一些讓我們作出錯誤決定的情況。而且,在某些時候,不跟隨 神的引領,似乎看上去更合理。但是,認定 神就意味著全然順服。就算有些時候,這麼做看起來不太合理。但是當你這麼做的時候,你向世界宣告,你信靠的是耶穌,而不是你自己的智慧。














Trust in the Lord with all your heart

Written by K.A.   Translated by Zhen Zhongi 

How many times have you heard that line before? Easier said than done right? "Trust God" is one of those cliches that we often hear in the church. Sometimes it ecomes too overstated and loses its meaning. When I'm going through a personal hardship, it doesn't usually make me feel better when someone says "trust God". It usually goes over my head as I continue to worry about the problem.

Yesterday as I was going through a hard time, a verse came to mind: Proverbs 3:5-6.

Everybody knows the first part: Trust in the Lord with all your heart. But I think it's the second part that is actually more applicable: lean not on your own understanding.

How easy it is to 'lean on your own understanding". Your own understanding comes naturally to you because it's how you are trained to think from the world. On the other hand, God's wisdom often contradicts the world's ways.

The world says:

- if you don't look out for yourself, nobody else will.

- the more stuff you get the happier you'll be!

- stand up for yourself and take revenge on those who hurt you

You see, this self-focused kind of thinking that is from the world. Isn't it so easy to worry about yourself? But Proverbs 3:5-6 gives you the antidote to worry: Don't lean on your own understanding. Trust God to come through for you.

The third part of the verse is what really brings it together: in all your ways acknowledge him and he will make your paths straight.

What does it mean to acknowledge God in all of your ways? I've read this verse many times but yesterday was the first time it made sense to me.

Acknowledging God in all your ways means to obey him. We're often faced with tough situations where it's easier to do wrong thing, and often it seems to make more sense. But acknowledging God in all your ways means to obey God, even when it doesn't make sense. When you do this, you make the statement that you place your trust in God and not your own wisdom.

Here are some real life examples to put it all together:

● You've accepted a date with someone but then someone you really like calls you and asks you out on the same night. Do you bail on the first date?

The world says: if you don't look out for yourself, nobody else will.

God says: Let your yes be a yes. Do not worry about the things you can't control. I will provide for your every need at the right time.

● You need to buy a new phone so check CL. You find a great deal on a new iPhone. So great, in fact, that you believe that the phone is stolen. Do you go through with the purchase?

The world says: the more stuff you get the happier you'll be!

God says: True happiness comes from walking in truth and righteousness.

● Your daughter is being bullied at school. Do you teach her to stand up for herself or to love her enemies?

The world says: stand up for yourself and take revenge on those who hurt you

God says: Vengeance is mine so love your enemies like I loved you.

I invite you to make space for the Holy Spirit now to search your heart. Let him convict you of the times this week when you have trusted in your own judgment instead of obeying God. Bring these to God as an offering and ask him to help you trust him even when it's hard.