


在委身基督之前,很多慕道友都會好奇:"真的有神嗎?" "我怎麼知道基督教所講的內容是真的?" 坦白說,一個人會有這些疑問是很正常的。就算是在我信了耶穌很久以後,我的腦海中也還是時不時會產生類似的問號。然而,要提出這些問題雖然是件很自然的事情,但要給出完整的答案卻並不容易。而且,在我的信仰之旅中,隨著我本身信心的不斷成長,這些問題實際並沒有就此迎刃而解。而就我所知,自己也並不是唯一有此疑問的人。











Help me overcome

Written by K.A. 

Before committing their lives to Christ, seekers will ask questions like "Is there really a God?" and "How do I know that Christianity is the true religion?" But to be honest with you, even after knowing Christ for several years, I still struggle with answering these basic questions. And ironically, my confusion continues to grow as I learn more about the topic. I know I'm not the only one who is struggling with a lack of faith.

In Mark 9, there's a story about a father who brings his demon-possessed son to Jesus for healing.
20: So they brought the boy. But when the evil spirit saw Jesus, it threw the child into a violent convulsion, and he fell to the ground, writhing and foaming at the mouth.

21."How long has this been happening?" Jesus asked the boy's father.He replied, "Since he was a little boy.

22.The spirit often throws him into the fire or into water, trying to kill him. Have mercy on us and help us, if you can."

23."What do you mean, 'If I can'?" Jesus asked. "Anything is possible if a person believes."

24.The father instantly cried out, "I do believe, but!"

I really relate to the Father's exasperation right now. I think he really wants to believe in Jesus but something is still holding him back. I think in the bottom of our hearts we do want to believe in God but certain things like doubt, fear, or unanswered questions may prevent us from taking root and growing in Christ. What is it that's holding you back, and how do you overcome these hindrances?

Let's look back at the story in Mark. The father recognized that his son had a problem. He went to the person who he believed could help—Jesus. Jesus assures him that his son can be healed if he has faith in Him. The father courageously musters up as much faith as he can, but fearfully recognizes what he is lacking. Humbly, he asks Jesus to supplicate his faith.

I think this is a good model for us to follow when we're earnestly seeking the truth about God. Like the father, I too have problems that are beyond my control, questions beyond my capacity to understand. But knowing what I do about God inspires me to "muster up" the best of me to bring to Jesus—the best of my faith, my actions and my devotion. As Jesus has challenged the father to have faith in the story, so He challenges you and I to a deeper faith as well. And like the Father, sometimes the best I can come up with is "I do believe, but help me overcome my unbelief".

When all is said and done, I conclude that faith is a really personal choice. Just because someone attends church every Sunday doesn't mean that he is following Christ; nor is it true that someone who has never stepped into church is far from Christ. Only God knows what's inside our hearts, so may the Lord be our righteous judge. Lord, have mercy.