【雙語園地】先生,我可以為你算命嗎? TELL YOUR FORTUNE, SIR ?



作者:佚名 / 中譯:以恩


但是我真的站在大金字塔的頂上了。從那裡可以看到的景象真是太壯觀了,不僅看到吉薩遺址,還可以看到遠處廣闊的沙漠和古老的尼羅河山谷。但比歷史觀更令人印象深刻的是人類歷史的全景 - 古代的法老們、約瑟的來臨、然後以色列人的到來;再來可能是一個謙卑的木匠牽領著一頭驢,上面坐著聖子的母親,她的懷裡抱著聖子耶穌基督。
















Author: Anonymous

If anyone had told me when I was a boy that one day I would stand on the top of the Great Pyramid, I would not have believed them.

But I did stand on top of the Great Pyramid. What a view! The ruins of Gizeh, the vast far-stretching desert, and the ancient valley of the Nile could all be seen. But more impressive than the historical view was a panorama of mankind's history - the ancient Pharoahs, the coming of Joseph, and then of the Israelites; and later possibly a humble carpenter leading a donkey on which was seated the mother of the Lord, with the child Jesus in her arms.

While I was drinking it all in, I was approached by an Arab guide who asked, "Can I tell your fortune, sir?"

"But I don't believe in fortune, chance, or luck."

"Then what do you believe in?" he asked in surprise.

"I believe in the living God, was my answer, but I can tell you my fortune with the greatest of pleasure! As for the Past, I know my sins are forgiven through the blood of the Lord Jesus. At Present, I am happy in the Lord and in His service; and in the Future I am going to Heaven to be with Him for ever. Can you tell me a better fortune than that?"

Loyal Muslim though he was, he admitted that he had no such fortune to tell.

A Christian does not read his future in his horoscope in the daily paper, nor in cards, tea cups, crystal balls, or the palm of his hand. But having become a child of God through the salvation that is in Christ Jesus, he hears his Saviour say to him: In my Father's house are many mansions . . . I go to prepare a place for you . . . I will come again, and receive you unto Myself; that where I am, there ye may be also (John 14:2-3). I have done nothing to deserve such a glorious destiny! It is not personal holiness on my part which makes me fit for the heavenly home.

But what about your future? Have you believed on Him? If not, do so now, and be assured in this present time of the joy unspeakable and full of glory of which the Apostle Peter wrote, as well as of the glorious future in the Lord's presence.