【溫哥華短宣中心短宣路】2020 年 10 月


A Plea God Answered
Pastor Wayne Kwok


Pastor Wayne with his wife Mandy, and Asher, Naomi, and Nevia


Introducing VCCSTM English Pastor


Much like some stories in the Bible, it all started with a plea before God. It was a plea that resounded over and again during the last several years of my theological studies. It was a plea deep within the soul of my heart. Yet, it was a plea—of asking without any comfort, hoping without any assurance, praying without any answer.

One of the most daunting thoughts for any graduating students usually is the question: what's next? May it be out of genuine care and concern, or simply as a conversation starter, the question, "So, what's next?" is like opening a can of worms, or facing your worst fear in life. Having spent an invaluable amount of time and energy in the pursuit of a goal, only to come face-to-face with yet another life-altering question that usually leads to proliferating consequences, the question, "So, what's next?" is eclipsed only by the million-dollar question, "Will you marry me?"

I never did have a solid answer to the question: what's next? I have my preferences. I have my passion. I know my strengths and weaknesses. Yet, none of that truly amounts to anything. Nevertheless, if there is one wisdom I gained from the summation of my spiritual journey and my time at Regent College is that discipleship is always a choice. God never forces anyone to do anything. We are given the free will to choose our own path. The flip side of the coin also means we must bear the responsibilities of our own action—don't blame God. To make a long story short, this is pretty much the mentality I have when graduating from Regent College. Where and how will I choose to serve?

To say our God works in a mysterious way is an understatement. In the words of Mark Altrogge from one of his many beautifully written songs, our God is simply "too marvellous for words, too wonderful for comprehension." For the preparation of my journey today started not yesterday, but decades ago. It was David Fellowship. I was in my high school years when I was in David Fellowship, and Pastor Hung was one of our fellowship counsellors. During those years and especially the few I was serving as a committee member, I had the privilege of being closely coached and mentored by Pastor Hung. Imprinted in my heart were the "Four Spiritual Laws", the A.C.T.S. prayer guides, apologetics, and gut-wrenching experiences of street-evangelism. As Pastor Hung left our fellowship to focus on the initial development of VCCSTM, never would I imagined one day I would be following his footsteps. Yet that is exactly what God has orchestrated.

It all stemmed from one uneventful evening in June. While half the world is in quarantine from the COVID-19, and everyone is in self-isolation, an online meeting sparked a never-imagined dialogue that can only be described as passionate and perfectly-matched. It was like finding the one missing piece in a bucket of LEGO. Without that missing piece, the build cannot proceed. Although the set is still not complete, it strives towards its telos.

As I embark on this new journey, I anticipate many challenges ahead. Nevertheless, I expect to witness the wondrous working of God and experience the relentless joy of participating in His work. Missions is never about fulfilling a duty or satisfying some credentials. It is a response to the unceasing love God has already and continues to pour over my life. It is my participation in God's mission. In the words of Jürgen Moltmann: "It is not the church that has a mission of salvation to fulfill in their world; it is a mission of the Son and Spirit through the Father that includes the church."

A little bit about myself. I graduated from Regent College in May 2020. Before my studies at Regent, I spend nine years serving in a local non-profit organization specialized in youth and student ministries. I was born in Hong Kong but raised in Richmond. I love LEGO, photography, and everything that strives towards the perfect yet delicate balance of function and design. With my wife, Mandy, we are parents to three lovely children: Asher, Naomi, and Nevia.



我是陳潔冰傳道 Pastor Lizzy Chan,來自香港 。


Lizzy 1


在溫哥華曾參與活道浸信會「義務傳道」 一職,是「三福佈道訓練課程」的導師, 今天仍然在教會擔任「傳道部」部長一職。


我年青時修讀珠寶鑑證,產品設計, 教育策略等等。 畢業於香港理工大學設計系碩士。

雖然修讀策略課程,喜歡投資買賣,也未曾虧損,卻領悟了「人算不如天算」的真理。就算我如何為自己籌謀留在香港,總是事與願違 (傳3:1-8),世事揸不僅、抓不住!我從營營役役轉化至今天的悠然倚靠恩主,有幸看見神的榮耀,看見接受救恩的人、一個個得救見證、讚美與頌讚歸予父神。


感謝主!我的信仰從小便確立,認定衹有一位創造主、獨一的真神, 我常常禱告與天父建立甜蜜的關係。

中學後,進入工作便停止禱告, 與神疏離, 生命卻沒有展望。 直至在新聞上看見基督教徒和天主教徒的紛爭, 我因為怕迷失了回天家路,便再向上帝禱告 ,讓神領我到祂的教會。

1994 年是我生命的轉捩點 ,我開始在香港的恩福堂聚會, 接受裝備,成為主的門徒。 在教會開始事奉,作兒童主日學老師。

在 1999 年完成恩福堂內部的「栽培員訓練課程」,在 2001 年開始在「恩福神學院」接受神學裝備。 擔任教會團契的查經組長。

在 2014 年我放棄了工作八年的「集團總監 」一職, 捨不得集團的人情味濃厚, 也感謝主給我經歷豐盛的恩典 。 放下了工作,重回恩主的懷裡,開始全職神學裝備及福音佈道工作。

在 2017 年 神用大能的手及七位牧者的引證,奇妙導引!在短短一個月內, 我像逃難一般, 趕到溫哥華,心裡不捨得聚少離多的家人 ,但當我走上恩典之路,繼續被 神塑造我的屬靈生命時,更明白全能神必然看顧我的親人。

2020 年, 我在毫無準備和預計的情況下 ,恩主把我帶到溫哥華短宣中心, 繼續接受生命的學習。 讓我看見一個又一個美麗的圖畫, 就是在主裏的同路人, 彼此相愛, 如同手足, 互相尊重,彼此謙讓 (羅12:10),看見在主裏合一的善和美。

我年青時是一位設計師。 設計就是看見別人所需,為他度身訂做、滿足需求。 由看見別人的生活需要, 轉過來看見別人靈魂的需要。 神籍著聖靈感動我,讓我看見莊稼熟了, 我願意成為收莊稼的工人 (約4:35) ,講傳福音、栽培初信 ,關懷靈命成長、隨時隨地的見證恩主,現在就如呼吸一樣, 與我的生命不能分割,感謝主!