作者:盧國禮 翻譯:蕭凌
如果你想坐遊輪去阿拉斯加渡假,自然就要買票。有了票,你不僅可以順利成行,還可以盡情享用船上的各種設施。當然事情並不總是如此,例如船長是你的好朋友,他讓你先上船後補票。身為你的朋友,他這麼做無可厚非。可是,他的行為實際是旁門左道,而正路只有一條 -- 憑票上船。
凱普納和崔果博士在《經理人 KT 式理性思考法》一書中,分析了上到政府機構、下到私營企業的大量案例。在這些案例中羅列的決策過程,有些有待商榷,有些則成為了各種危機的導火線。作者闡述了他們研究的 KT 式理性分析決策方法是如何用於訓練經理人,從而使得他們做出更有效正確的決策的。在該書中提到:
理性思考法並不是一種魔術,而是更好的利用原本被忽略、廢棄或低估的資源。當員工面對工作中的一般情況或特殊問題時,通過給予他們一個共同的思路和語言,來建立彼此溝通的橋樑。 (《經理人 KT 式理性思考法》,凱普納,崔果,220頁)
Doing the Right Things——How to make a godly decision?
By Francis Loo Translated by Evie Xiao
If you wish to go Alaska, you can only board the ship with the ticket that you have bought. The ticket enables you to board and also the right to enjoy all the ship's facilities.
However, let's say that you know the captain of the ship and were allowed to board the ship without buying the necessary ticket. The captain assumed that during the course of the trip, you would subsequently buy the ticket. No doubt, in this latter case, the captain had not done the right thing. He might be doing right for allowing you to board the ship first as a friendly gesture. Nevertheless no one should be allowed to go on board without the tickets required.
In our lives, we come across situations in which we need to make decisions between choosing right or wrong. How does a person solve problems and make their decisions? One must base on one's decision on previous knowledge of the subject and past experience. Also, one needs to have a rational mind to analyze underlying factors and important pieces of information to considerate all options before arriving at a desirable decision. A prudent decision-making process also allows for a "contingency plan" in the event of the unexpected.
Charles H. Kepner and Benjamin B. Tregoe in their book The New Rational Manager describe in their research, witnessing a number of decisions in government agencies and in private industry that range from being questionable to catastrophic. Based on these findings, they studied the literature on decision making and have developed the Kepner-Tregoe techniques (more appropriately known as rational management) for training managers to be effective in decision-making. The book concludes:
The goal of Rational Management is to make full use of the thinking ability of the people of the organization and to direct that ability toward meeting the organization's problems and concerns.
This goal is achieved by giving people the conceptual tools they need to do the job, a set of methods and techniques they can share as they gather and handle information to resolve problems, make choices, anticipate future concerns, and break complex situations into manageable components. In addition, the organization must provide its people with a supportive framework within which coordinated use of these ideas by the team can flourish....
Rational Management presides over no miracles. It releases intellectual resources that have been hidden, unused, or under used. It opens channels of communication among people by giving them common approaches and a common language for dealing with the ordinary and extraordinary situations they face in their jobs. Installation of Rational Process ideas makes it possible for the organization to be more nearly what every manager always believed it could be but too seldom was: an effective, efficient, and dynamic entity.(The New Rational Manager, Charles H. Kepner, Benjamin B. Tregoe, P.220)
Undoubtedly, the Rational Process helps us make good decisions in our work environment or personal lives. However, no matter how good we are in the process of our decision-making, we can never see the full picture. Only God knows what His plan is for us. Therefore, being Christians, we are privileged to tap the unlimited resources of our universe through prayer.
Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight. (Proverb 3:5 – 6, NIV.)
Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you. (1 Peter 5:7 NIV)
Blessed is the man who makes the Lord his trust. (Psalm 40:4 NIV)
Those who trust in the Lord are like Mount Zion, which cannot be shaken but endures forever." (Psalm 125:1 NIV)
The question now is what spiritual guidance can inform us in our decision-making? More importantly, how can we make decisions that are according to the will of God? One thing is for sure, when we pray, we will experience God's presence through having the godly wisdom in actual decision-making processes. When we encounter such wisdom, we will know God's will better, and we will be more honestly following his will.
However, even by being prudent with knowledge of the issue Christians need to pray for guidance and seek God's moral will and sovereign will. We are free to make our decisions, but we are never free from God. We have to learn to make our decisions in submission to the sovereign will of God. The way to submit is through prayer–total surrender to His guidance. Any decisions made in such a way will always be the right decisions. In this way, we will make sure that we would not board a ship to Alaska without first procuring the necessary boarding pass.
Heavenly Father,
There are many crossroads in life. We can hardly see ahead to make intelligent decisions. But we know that you are always with us and would guide our ways. Please let us remember to pray first before we act. May we so walk in your path?
In the name of Jesus Christ, we pray. Amen.