Helen Cheung (第廿二屆週末短宣同學)
我生長在一個傳統家庭。小時候因學業有困難,我轉到另一所學校,希望遇到一些好的老師和同學。這是一所教會學校,在這裡我第一次認識了基督;在那裡我學了許多聖經經文和故事;也因此給我的聖經知識打好了基礎。神通過這所教會學校改變了我,讓我成為一個更加自信和快樂的孩子,這不僅是因為我的老師對我很好,也因為我與我的同學相處融洽。有一天,我夢見一個聲音叫我相信祂,我知道是耶穌,那我就信了主。不過,當我從這所小學畢業上了中學後,我就漸漸地忘了基督。但上帝卻沒有忘記我。 我移民到加拿大之後,神把我帶到一所教會學校,我的基督信仰也得以更新。然而,就像過去一樣,當我經歷主恩之後不久,我又很快忘了祂。上大學,畢業,讀研究院,在神的幫助和安排下,這些轉變並不困難,這其實都是神的幫助,但因我對祂的信心不足,並沒有信靠祂。然而,當我在學業和個人關係出現困難時,我開始意識到我的生活變得一團糟。我意識到這是因為我不聽神的話,沒有讓祂來掌管我的道路。
I was born in a family with traditional believes. I had difficulties in school when I was very young,and so I was transferred to another school in hopes of an environment with better teachers and classmates. It was a Christian school,and there for the first time I learned about Christ; Bible verses and stories helped me to have a good foundation of bible knowledge. God changed me to become a more confident and happy child through this Christian school,not only because my teacher treated me well,but also because I got along with my classmates. One day,I dreamt of a voice calling me to believe in Him and I knew it was Jesus. It was easy for me to believe as a child. However,I grew to forget about Christ as I graduated from this primary school and went to a public secondary school. God had not forgotten me though. God led me to a catholic school when I immigrated to Canada to refresh my belief in Christ. However,just like what happened in the past,I forgot about Him soon after I tasted His favor. The transition to university,graduation,and entering a post-graduate program were not difficult because of God's help and arrangements,although I didn't realize it at the time. However,my faith in Him was weak,and I did not depend on Him. However,when I had difficulties in school and in relationship,I started to realize that my life was a mess. I realized it was because I did not listen and did not rely on Him to determine my path.
However,God is good and faithful,even when I am not. When I turned back to Him,He was always there for me. I began to attend church regularly,and I renewed my faith as I continued my fellowship in church and determined to trust Him for my future. Because of this simple belief,I was baptized and God provided for me a Christian husband. It was God himself who built my Christian family. Although I did not have any dramatic experience with God,I know He is here with me in good times and in bad times. His teaching builds my character to be more like Him. His words comfort me and encourage me to face difficulties,and He answered my prayers. The most obvious one was that my parents turned to Christ,through the help of my primary school classmates. I find there is nothing better than attending church together with my whole family,and knowing that we will all be in heaven together because of Christ.
Joseph Lam (第廿二屆週末短宣同學)
在一些糟糕的決定之後,我意識到,我的生活已經一塌糊塗,我都不知道自己在做什麼。就在那時,我現在的妻 Helen,邀請我去了教會,過了一段時間我便接受了福音。我意識到,使我遠離上帝的是人的驕傲。也就在那時,我發現了禱告的力量。禱告是支取不盡的力量之源!孤獨時我禱告,神會讓我的心得安寧。生氣時我禱告,神讓我知道我在哪裡做得不對,並讓我得平靜。害怕時我禱告,可以求神給我幫助和勇氣。記得有一次我從底特律開車回多倫多,當時不得不冒著冰雪風暴開車回家,400 公里的車程,配的还是夏天舊輪胎。我非常害怕,就向神禱告,求神讓我可以安全到家。終於到家了,我才意識到我的車竟然一點都沒打滑,但當我下車查看輪胎後,就呆住了,因為胎紋早已磨平了。我立時明白,若不是神的保護,我不可能平安到家。我立時就知道祂是真實的,而且就在我們的生活中。
我知道祂已經為我預備了超越今生、天堂的永生。哪怕我的生命今天就要終束,我已有了天堂的確據。但更重要的是,我知道神在我生命中,在我身上有神對我的計劃,祂要我尋求祂。祂掌管萬有,我可以把我所有的信心和信任交託給祂。我現在明白了: 神使我人生找到真正的平安和意義。
I came to Canada as a young child,and as such,I was educated in this North American culture that encourages young people to be self-confident and proud. I really thought that I had everything under control. I was blessed with enough "smarts" so that I could cruise through high school and achieve good marks without working too hard,got through university,and soon had a Master's degree and a decent job. Although I was exposed to the Gospel early in life,and several friends tried to take me to church in university,I never took it seriously. I never felt the need for God,and I would make all kinds of arguments about why it's not real. However,my life felt more and more empty. I didn't know what to spend my time on. I would pursue the different things that society told me would make my life worthy of a "successful person" -- I bought a nice car,I learned to play golf,I would go for coffee at Starbucks and tried the different nice restaurants in town. Still,my life felt empty. I would even have moments where I suddenly felt so lonely I would have panic attacks.
Finally,after making some bad decisions,I realized that my life was in a mess,and I had no idea what I was doing. At that time,Helen,who is now my wife,invited me to church,and after some time I accepted the gospel. I realized that what kept me away from God was pride. It was then that I discovered the power of prayer. It is an infinite source of power that you can draw upon! When I find myself lonely,I pray and God will fill my heart with peace. When I find myself angry,I pray and God will let me know what I've done wrong and settle me down. When I fear,I can pray to ask God for help and courage. I remember one time I was driving home from Detroit to Toronto,and due to circumstances I was forced to drive home through a snow and ice storm,for 400 km,with old summer tires. I was scared,and I prayed to God to just get me home safely. When I finally arrived home,I realized my car had not slid at all,but then I got out of my car I looked at the tires and was shocked at really how little tread was left on them. I knew then that I couldn't have possibly made it home safely if it wasn't for God's protection. I knew then that He was real,and is directly involved in our lives.
I know He has prepared an afterlife for me in heaven that extends beyond this life. Even if my life were to end today,I have the certainly of reaching heaven. But more importantly,I know that God is involved in my life,He has a plan for me,and He wants me to seek Him. He is in control of everything,and in Him a can put all my faith and trust. And I realized that this is what gives true peace and purpose to life.
『2015耶穌愛華埠』- 參與者心聲!
太太:我是第一次參加 JLC 這個活動。是丈夫叫我去的,心想也應該出一分力;也覺得沒有理由請假去旅行,卻不請假去為神作工。參與之後,我很感動,看到一班基督徒一起為一件事齊心努力。最難忘的是,自己竟然可以向陌生人走過去接觸他們。一般在教會裡我是不會去接觸陌生人的,但這次是要去接觸他們,覺得自己原來沒有想像中那麼害怕,還可以派單張,宣傳教會,我知我還需要繼續努力操練的。
Karen (多倫多華人宣道會)
第二,我看到神在 JLC 動工:第一方面就是當我們禱告,神叫我們傳福音的時候可以順利;第二方面就是有一位外籍人士,像是喝醉了,來搗亂了我們的佈道,但當我們向神禱告後,不知道為什麼他就離開了;第三方面,有一群法輪功的人士,走來要霸佔我們的位置,神就差遣天使,讓那個商舖的經理出來要求他們整個星期都不能在這個地方宣傳。
這讓我看到,神凡事都幫助我們,只要我們願意事奉神。一方面我感謝神的恩典和同在,另一方面,我深感自己是一個很懶惰的人,JLC 使我能醒悟,我不要再懶惰,自知自己可以事奉神的日子不會很長久,必須趕快事主。我也勸勉弟兄姐妹,明年一定要來參加「耶穌愛華埠」,因為這是神給我們的大使命,這個禾場是很大的,真的要趕快傳福音,只要你有一個願作的心,神就會加添你的力量,補你的不足。心願主耶穌快來,福音能傳遍天下。
1. 聖誕短宣體驗週於 12 月 14-19 日舉行,是次報佳音由週一至週六(9:00-4:00pm),佈道地區由南至北區域,現鼓勵住在南面和北面的信徒們參加,把握救人良機,向不信的世代宣講救世福音。求主賜恩給我們,感動信徒們報名參加。參加的基督徒務必出席兩天或以上,歡迎信徒致電查詢 416-291-0200 或到短宣網頁流覽。
2. 請為 12 月 19 日城市廣場慶祝聖誕佈道-「你最想要的禮物」禱告,求主感動教會信徒,一同熱心參與救靈工作,也為我們需要大量禮物作為攤位使用禱告,求主感動信徒奉獻全新的禮物或經濟支持,也為參與的同工和義工的身心靈禱告,把握聖誕良機,分享福音。
3. 2015 年冬季課程於 1 月 7 日開課,請為新學期禱告。課程繼有: 週二: 社區佈道實踐、週三: 靈修生活、週四: 護教學、週五: 福音詩歌精選巡禮。歡迎旁聽。
4. 第23屆週末個人佈道訓練課程- 於1月9日9:30-3:30上課,讓在職和學生們把握週末時間,學習整全個人佈道方法,能實踐地向家人、親友和陌生人仕傳福音。歡迎全時間、部份時間和旁聽生報名參加,國粵語教授。 詳情請看真理報或致電查詢416-291-0200
5. 1 st English Weekend Gospel Outreach Training- Jan. 9- Feb. 26, 2016. 9:30-3:30pm. We will explore many key aspects of gospel outreach: how to write your personal salvation testimony, how to effectively use various gospel tools, how to share the gospel with strangers, including campus outreach. Training for only 8 weekends! Contact us 416-291-0200. Please pray for our next generation- "Save one more for Jesus".
6. 12 月 3 1日(四)特別聚會- 滕張佳音博士於早上 10 時於仕嘉堡宣道會英文堂,分享主題為: 為香港、祖國福音事工前景禱告,分享現時福音情況和分組禱告,請信徒們關愛同胞,一同禱告。
7. 短宣中心現正積極鼓勵和推動教會響應:「本土宣教士」的召命。求主感動大多市教牧同工,推薦有佈道心志召命的信徒一位至二位作本土宣教士,不但為教會培訓佈道人才,並預備他們將來可投身成為傳道人、帶職宣教士或福音同工。受訓期間以 1/3時間上課;1/3時間多元佈道實習和;1/3時間在教會事奉或實習。若有個別有傳福音心志召命的信徒,可以與我們聯絡和查詢。在末後的日子中,求主興起信徒們向社區、鄰舍、親友和家人,承擔使命,不單盡上本份,也要還福音的債!
8. 請繼續為味香村國語餐飲福音事工和跟進工作禱告。感謝神,每月一次合共六間(六次)味香村下午福音小聚實在為員工們帶來支持、鼓勵和愛的關懷。員工們生命的改變成為我們的喜樂和滿足。求主記念員工們有一顆渴求聽福音的心,也為佈道和跟進工作禱告。
9. 請為真理報禱告,為團隊的擺上感恩。求主讓《真理報》的文章質素精益求精,為主刊登更多美好的見證和文章,請為刊登文章質素、印刷、分發和義工派發等能順利禱告。我們也鼓勵信徒在《真理報》中刊登廣告,支持每月2萬1千份的列印經費,好讓這份報章能順利地廣傳福音。