Nhat Huynh's Testimony
Nhat Huynh
My name is Nhat Huynh (Nat, Billy). I am Chinese Vietnamese mix and come from a family that lightly believes in Buddha. I have two brothers and two sisters. I was raised by my Aunt and Grandmother, similar to an orphan.
What was my goal for life? None! I did not have anyone over me to guide me or point the way. No history of adults before to light my path for career or model to be. I flow through life and follow what everyone else was doing. Go to school; watch TV, make friends, think of a simple job in future (factory worker), and simple life with my family. Did not plan to really want to move away or lived away from my family for it was my safety blanket. Comfort of home is love, food and security. Did not even think of university until my friends “force” me to submit – then they confused me about what college I wanted in the university. Yes, I did not do any research or through to what University or program I apply. U of T was TTC able to home and Business sounds like a good future job.
In university, I found myself lacking purpose in life. Something was missing. Nothing seemed to fill the void. I was majoring in Commerce and working part-time. I strive for marks and making money but it did not satisfy me.
Summer of 1993, on my way to the library, a stranger on the street came up to me and invited me to have a bible study with them. Knowing I have time, I tag along. This open up a new look on life for me and seemed to fill the void for which I was looking for. Many things seem to click in my thoughts as I feel I was blind.
They told me about the life of Jesus Christ. How he is the Son of God and that he was born 2000 years ago of virgin Mary, lived for about 33 years and died for on a cross for the sins of human, resurrected/rose to Heaven and will return on judgement day of the world.
Then I realized what I lack was the forgiveness of my sins and a way back to God. As I learned from the bible of how far I fall short of his goals and expectations, I had no choice but to accept Jesus Christ on December 1993.
It took me a long time (1/2 year) with reading the whole bible from cover to cover and a lot of conversation with God in prayer to come to accept Christ as my personal saviour. I could not understand why it was only through Jesus Christ and that other religion could not fulfill the requirement of God. The reason for the struggle is that if I accept it, what about my family whom I love (Grandmother, aunty, cousins, brothers, sister, parents, uncle,..). Yet as I fight or reason with God, I had to admit defeat for no other thoughts or philosophy or religion teaches one how to rid of one sins once and for all – all of them points to the teaching of being good (golden rule).
I was reluctant to accept Jesus as my personal saviour but God says that to be with Him is to have my sins forgiven. The other reason was my family, I thought if I don’t become a Christian than how will my family know about God. So I prayed to accept Jesus in my life. Nothing special happened to me when I accepted Christ as my personal saviour – maybe because of my skeptic heart. God took time to show me that Jesus was the only WAY, the only TRUTH and the only LIFE.
I have many struggles but I know God will never let me go. A verse that helps me understands why I accept Christ is:
Luke 5:31-32 Jesus answered them, "It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance."
I know I am a sinner and therefore needed a doctor for my sin – a cure which is Jesus Christ.
2016 年短宣中心晚宴「零的突破」
當普世正被嚴峻的恐怖主義、同性戀運動,與及種種厲害違反人類傳統價值的言論思潮沖激之際;普世的教會卻面對會眾的流失(membership lost),也對於社區各階層人仕缺乏了吸引力,以致在每週教會不同的聚會,愈來愈困難看見他們的出現,也許這也正好回答了為何在現今的佈道聚會裡,有所謂的零的決志(就是沒有人信主),因著在福音聚會之先,先出現了「零的邀請」、「零的外展」等等的靜態回應;「零的決志」也是順理成章的事了。
彭偉賢牧師 敬約
2016 Denison 華人店舖 佈道策劃
1. 目的:在Denison南北兩旁,從 Kennedy 大街,至 Woodbine 有著很多華人商舖,商戶中絕大部份仍是未得之民。這兒的華人教會也甚少登門探訪,分別與他們分享福音、介紹教會不同聚會,或是與他們經常聯絡。「2016 Denison 華人店舖 佈道策劃」就是回應這方面之需要而作出的行動。
2. 建議行動日期:2016年6月14日至8月2日每週二早上進行(共八次福音遍傳行動)
3. 時間:早上9:30 至下午12:30
4. 集合地方:麥城華人基督教會-77 Milliken Meadows Dr.
1. 短宣中心異象分享暨畢業典禮於 5 月 28 日(六)至 29 日(日)於世紀皇宮舉行, 主題為「零的突破」。求主使用這晚宴讓信徒屬靈生命成長和突破, 敢於向家人親友、同事、鄰居、社區傳福音作見證, 不再沉默。
2. 請為短宣中心主辦福音旅行之「伴你同遊」禱告, 日期是6月18日(六)早上8:00-下午6:00於Hamilton ,參觀包括:Hamilton Dundurn Castle, 海明頓軍人博物館、Kitchen Garden, 農夫市場和 Bayfront Park, 內容豐富, 希望藉此活動讓基督徒積極向未信主的父母、配偶、子女、兄弟姐妹、同事和鄰居傳福音,費用包括:豪華巴士、入場費、當地導遊費和午餐, 除參觀外,有詩歌、見證、講道、電影欣賞和禮物贈送。詳情請看今期真理報內頁。
3. 第 23 屆週末個人佈道訓練課程- 於4月9日9:30-3:30上課, 讓在職人士和學生們把握週末時間,學習整全個人佈道方法, 能實踐地向家人、親友和陌生人仕傳福音。歡迎全時間、部份時間和旁聽生報名參加,國粵語教授。 詳情請看真理報或致電查詢 416-291-0200
4. “2 nd.English Weekend Gospel Outreach Training”- April. 9- May 28, 2016. 9:30-3:30pm. We will explore many key aspects of gospel outreach: how to write your personal salvation testimony, how to effectively use various gospel tools, how to share the gospel with strangers, including campus outreach. Training for only 8 weekends! Contact us 416-291-0200. Please pray for our next generation- “Save one more for Jesus”.
5. 短宣中心春季課程有: 週二: 佈道實踐、週三: 佈道輔導, 週四: 佈道經文多元化宣講 和週五: 佈道英語。除了中心同工外, 我們還邀請了資深輔導員和退休英語宣教士前來相助, 請為新學期難得的機會, 信徒能把握時機禱告, 接受裝備, 在逆境艱難世代中, 為主發光。
6. 短宣中心現正積極鼓勵和推動教會響應:「本土宣教士」的召命。求主感動大多市教牧同工,推薦有佈道心志召命的信徒一位至二位作本土宣教士,不但為教會培訓佈道人才,並預備他們將來可投身成為傳道人、帶職宣教士或福音同工。受訓期間以 1/3 時間上課;1/3 時間多元佈道實習和1/3時間在教會事奉或實習。若有個別有傳福音心志召命的信徒,可以與我們聯絡和查詢。在末後的日子中,求主興起信徒們向社區、鄰舍、親友和家人,承擔使命,不單盡上本份,也要還福音的債!
7. 請繼續為味香村國語餐飲福音事工和跟進工作禱告。感謝神,每月一次合共六間(六次)味香村下午福音小聚實在為員工們帶來支持、鼓勵和愛的關懷。員工們生命的改變成為我們的喜樂和滿足。求主記念員工們有一顆渴求聽福音的心,也為佈道和跟進工作禱告。 義工們除了每月一次佈道聚會外,還額外安排多一次的跟進探訪。求主使義工們能幫助員工們靈命成長和清楚信仰;也請為三位基督徒老闆禱告,求主賜恩和保守他們的健康、事業、事奉和家庭,讓更多員工因他們美好的見證相信主耶穌。倘若你願意加入我們的團隊,請與王師母聯絡。
8. 請為真理報禱告,為團隊的擺上感恩。求主讓《真理報》的文章質素精益求精,為主刊登更多美好的見證和文章,請為刊登的文章質素、印刷、分發和義工派發等工作禱告。我們也鼓勵信徒在《真理報》中刊登廣告,支持每月2萬1千份的列印經費,好讓這份報章能順利地廣傳福音。