始自 2006/7/31-8/5,布碌崙區五間教會聯合舉辦福音遍傳,當時有30多位弟兄姊妹參加,不同教會的肢體能夠一同受訓,一同佈道,彼此激勵為主作見證,他們感到十分難得!今年是「燃亮生命」進入十周年,合辦教會增至九間,感謝神在這十年中,讓教會牧者同心舉辦社區的佈道,推動信徒履行大使命。願「十周年」標誌著過去神如何使用眾教會同心合一的佈道精神,推動我們要再接再勵,在華人人口不斷增長的布碌崙社區,繼續積極為主作見證,讓僑胞得聞純正的福音,得著救恩!
日期: 6月4日(六)
地點: Leif Erickson Park
66th St, Brooklyn
十周年紀念品—祈禱跪墊,「愛 祈禱傳道」,齊齊出席在布碌崙6/1(三)晚上7:30聯合祈禱會,6/5(日)晚上7:00「學足一世,除掉愁煩」培靈會,重燃主愛付諸佈道行動。
弟兄姊妹,2016「燃亮生命本地短宣周」讓我們預備好迎戰,高舉主基督旌旗, 為主得人,燃亮生命,照亮社區!
Newstein Chang
Meeting me many years ago, you probably wouldn't see a Christian burdened with sharing the gospel. Though I could admit that Jesus called all His children to make disciples of all nations, the reality of the
Great Commission was not seared in my heart — I felt unprepared, defenseless, and deathly scared, the introvert I was.
You see, I am a very shy guy, and one that is easily intimidated and keeps to himself. It's really out of my character to go out of my comfort zone and reach out to friends, family, and strangers sharing a message that could offend and sever relationships.
Early in my life, at the beginning of high school, I came to Jesus Loves Chinatown. Guided by the Lord, this ministry led by Pastor Andrew Rappaport effectively displayed the importance of sharing the gospel and prepared us with the right mindset. Through the messages, the Lord used them to convict me, and through many years of training increased the burden of sharing the life of Christ with the unbelievers. The ministry really dealt with me at a personal level, where I could ask any questions, and the leaders would equip me with the preparation in being gospel-bearers. Believe me, God didn't transform me overnight, but this ministry allowed me to be exposed to what a true life of a Christian should be like: one that is in tune with God's desire of sharing Christ with others. Through this encounter, the Lord shaped me and molded me, and used the workers at Jesus Loves Chinatown to help fulfill the Great Commission.
I am so thankful that God does not require me to serve by my strength, but that He is always with those who faithfully and humbly minister the Word to others. Though I could share to you my testimony and how JLC helped me tremendously, and persuade to you the importance of gospelsharing, that is not what can change a heart. Only the Lord can change your heart. For me, He used Jesus Loves Chinatown and Jersey Fire Outreach; but ultimately, what the Lord seeks is a humble and moldable heart that can be used to serve His will. If you are willing, He will certainly use you to "go therefore and make disciples of all the nations! And surely, He is with us, always, even to the end of the age." (Matthew 28:19-20)
- Newstein Chang, 18 years old (Freshman in College at Saint Peter's University).
"As long as it is day, we must do the works of him who sent me. Night is coming, when no one can work." John 9:4
1. 感謝主,余德淳博士(EQ 情緒智商專家, 《真理報》EQ 在線專欄作者)應中心邀請,將在六月初來紐約主領不同佈道、培靈會、「佈道與輔導」密集課程及「兒童事工訓練」公開講座等,請記念余博士在紐約期間有好的精神和體力去應付一連串密集聚會,更盼望主內弟兄姊妹把握時機,並邀請朋友參加。
2. 請記念兩項分區佈道事工:5月7日星期六上午11:00-下午2:30(Elmhurst母親節嘉年華)及5日21曰星期六下午1:00-4:30(法拉盛教會聯合佈道日)。求神親自激勵感動教會牧者、長執、主內肢體一同興旺佈道熱誠,加強愛人靈魂的心志。
3. 中心已開展新事工—婚姻家庭輔導,由紐宣林琦董事擔任婚姻家庭事工主任,專責此事工,並在《真理報》開設專欄,每雙月撰寫有關的文章。請為這新事工代禱,願神藉這事工讓更多家庭蒙恩得福。如有婚姻家庭諮詢,歡迎電郵This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.與林琦姊妹聯絡。
4. 國際短宣使團五年一度「國宣宣教大會」及福音遍傳,將於2016年8月12-21日(十天)在台灣舉行,主題為「短宣運動與末世挑戰」,歡迎弟兄姊妹向本中心查詢及報名。其中五天(8月12-16日),紐約短宣中心將派隊前往台灣高雄和新竹關西,分別與台灣工業福音團契合作,在高雄社區作關懷佈道工作;及前往關西客家村與教會配搭事事。其他日期將在台北遍傳及出席國宣宣教大會。誠意邀請有心志佈道的主內肢體把握良機。(詳情請參閱短宣快訊第九頁海報。)
5. 「耶穌愛華埠」佈道訓練, 英文組將於7月15-17曰舉行, 中文組在7月18-24曰。請記念為各樣安排如講員,參加團隊和訓練等。願神感動和激勵弟兄姊妹參加,為永恆加一把勁!A Little More for Eternity!
6. 請記念中心每月出版《真理報》(美東版)16,000份,供應各教會(本地及海外)派發,廣傳福音。《真理報》出版印刷及郵費至今仍入不敷支,此外,郵價已加價,祈望教會及弟兄姊妹考慮每人定期支持100份( 約需25元)或更多的印刷及郵費。絡。