From a helpless and hopeless life regains a true meaning of eternal destiny
Evelyn Law
I was born and raised in a Roman Catholic family. During my time when I was studying in senior kindergarten; while my teacher was having lesson with the class, showing a picture of Jesus, I was delighted at the sight of it. At that moment, I was very touched by the look of Jesus in the picture. I knew God exists but I did not have a close relationship with the Lord. In blind faith, I went to church for years without truly accepting Jesus into my life. No matter what happened, I was crazily in love with Sunday Mass attendance and even after I immigrated to Canada, I did not want to miss going to church. I admit I am not a school person but a church person. I knew God loves us but I have struggle seeking for His Word. Then, depression hits me; to such extent that life became dull and meaningless to me. I thought about ending my life. But, I did not have the courage and motivation to commit suicide. It was an extremely painful experience until one day when my mother died from a car accident on Chinese New Year's day, February 16th, 1999. It happened in the evening when she was returning home from work. The news was like a bolt in the blue. It came so suddenly I was ill prepared for it. I cried and cried and cried. Through my mother's deth, God brought me back to His Truth and Love. I woke up to my sinful self. I repented my sins to the Lord. I started my new life in a Bible Christian Church on Dundas Street, Chinatown; I then left the Roman Catholic Church.
I bought The Holy Bible, started attending Fellowship besides Sunday school and Sunday Service. I became a happier person. Slowly, I was free from my medication. I praise God for His mercy and unconditional love. My family and I even experience lots of love and countless blessings from the Lord. Sharing the Gospel with relatives adds meaning to my life. Three other members of my family have come to the Lord and left the Roman Catholic Church. I have felt a kind of unprecedented joy and true happiness that the world can never give to me. Jesus has granted to me true Life and Peace. My repulsive sensitivity towards sin has grown stronger and stronger. I have no regret in knowing Jesus and accepting Him into my life. He is my Lord and my Savior. He is the best Gift ever received throughout my whole life.Isaid a prayer to Jesus, "Praise the Lord for His Great Love and Faithfulness. Thank you, Lord. In Jesus' Name, Amen"
After I became a born-again Christian, I started sharing the Gospel with people in the streets, malls, subways and buses; at times, even in super-markets. In the beginning, I felt lonely but after I prayed to God, He has led me to Anna. She was a graduate from Toronto Chinese Christian Short Term Mission Centre. She showed me Short Term Mission can help me spread the Good News. I joined their training programs and enjoyed being with the sisters in class and in mission. I have gained a lot of confidence in working for the Lord. God has given me a baby boy. But post-partum blue set in. However, by the grace of God, He has helped me through. Now, I am back to my normal self. I have devoted my time raising my child in God's Word. Every Sunday, I attend Sunday Service with my child, on a regular basis; without fail.
Jennifer Chiu
過去的廿九年是平凡的。平凡的出生在香港;平凡的成長在一個單親家庭;平凡的上了一間基督教小學和中學。胡裡胡塗的讀畢九年免費教育。「半桶水」的我,在沒有太多的選擇情況下,我修取了 Religious Studies;手裏的聖經看作為一本教科讀物,為的只是爭取勉強完成中五會考,半知半解的讀畢對將來投身社會起不了甚麼作用的一科,當時只為「過渡」而已。
結果還是考不上香港任何一間大學。我獨自來到加拿大繼續升學。起初自己一個人在 London 是有點感到迷失的,但很快我便融入了新的環境,新的文化,新的人和事。一年半讀完兩年的文憑課程,並取得 GPA 滿分,順利考上多倫多大學。三年半後,我以一級榮譽生畢業。
畢業前我已找到一份工作,對工作十分熱誠。從 Junior 到 Senior,兩年間我升職兩次,加薪三次,工作變成生命。有過幾段短暫的感情。直至認識到我的前未婚夫,結婚三個月前他取消婚禮,四年的感情告終。
一天, 媽媽突然告訴我她邀約了王師母到我家探訪。我是一個很慢熱的人,不太喜歡結識新朋友。以前的我一定會立刻大發雷霆 ; 但不可思議的,我竟然很平靜,只回應了一句 [知道] 。
從那個星期天,我開始參加粵語崇拜。第一次的崇拜是震撼的,不能否認這一切都是主的安排,主的話語直進入我心托撼。[和平之子] 這首詩歌我並不陌生,但從來沒有特別留意歌詞:
主救贖了我。起初我是困惑的,不解為什麼當初主要給我過去的所有,然後又將一切從我身上赤裸裸的奪去?回望過去的三十年,即使以前是個心裡默認,口裡不承認的 [假信徒] ,在每一個成長的階段,艱難的時候,其實主一直在看守,使我跨過那些絆腳石,只是我沒有察覺到祂在我生命上作工,把祂恩典看作為自己的運數而已。主真的很愛我,衪將我這個一生庸碌、失喪的羔羊從深淵裡搶救了,使我不至流離失所。當我剩下絕望,神從死亡邊緣拉我一把,背起我一起渡過,並給我一個重生的機會,倚靠這獨一的永恆者,走上救恩的旅途。
在二零零五年十二月二十日,我在證道浸信會美城堂接受洗禮,正式加入教會,投身事奉,見證主在我身上彰顯的無私的愛。雖然我信主的日子尚淺,但我希望早日裝備自己,不願這無價的福音停留在自己身上,靠著主的大能和衪所賜給我的恩賜,將我主耶穌的大愛和救贖傳揚開去,成為別人的祝福,成就祂的大使命,隨時接受主的呼召。感謝神 !
Jesus Loves Chinatown – evangelical testimony
"Jesus loves Chinatown" is a yearly evangelizing event organized by Toronto Short Term Mission Centre. This year it took place from August 22nd to Aug 27th, 2017. I was there for only two days. This is my second year participating. At first, I thought the phrase "Jesus loves Chinatown" was very misconstrued. It conveyed to me the message that Jesus loves Chinese people and we are solely out there to spread the Gospel to the Chinese people only. However, as I was amongst the crowd of people downtown, especially the Chinatown area; I was reminded that Chinatown consisted of many different ethnics and cultures. I was with part of the English team. On the first day, I met a young Caucasian lady at the Sick Kids food court. She was waiting for her appointment and was a bit anxious because she was going through a high risk pregnancy. She said she stopped going to church a long time ago but she permitted me to share the Gospel with her. When I finished she smiled and said thank you. I asked her if she felt at peace after hearing the Gospel. She said she did and I prayed with her. God is always providing comfort to those that are hurting and I am grateful that He used me to be a comfort to her through the Gospel.
On my second day, we visited the Scott Mission, and there were many people registering for the food bank. Majority of people there spoke languages other than English, Cantonese and Mandarin. There were Hungarians, Spanish and Farsi. I was wondering how to talk to them about Jesus and the Gospel when I cannot speak any of those languages. For starters, I resorted to using my hands a lot to point to Heaven and saying Jesus numerous times before they caught on. Between their broken English and my hand gestures I was able to ask how they were doing and how can I pray for them? Even though I might not be able to understand all their prayer requests, but I know God knows. Again, I was thankful to be able to lift their prayers to God because I know He is listening and He understands. However, there was one lady there and she knew absolutely no English. All she could speak was Hungarian. Between my partner and me, we had no clue. Suddenly, I was reminded there is Google translating. Somehow, by God's grace we managed to show her the translation of the Gospel in Hungarian. God always meet our needs by showing us the resources He has in store for us. We just have to be alert to know and use the resources for His glory!
In the afternoon, on our way to Dragon Centre to perform a mime that had an evangelistic message, I met a blind man who happened to be going to Dragon Centre too. He needed someone to guide him there. I do not believe in coincidences. God led us to him or vice versa and I sensed the need to speak the truth of the Gospel to him. In that 10 minutes walk to Dragon Centre I asked him if he knew the significance of Jesus's death and His resurrection. He said he accepted Christ already a few years ago but cannot be baptized. I said, "Why not?" He said because he is also a Buddhist! I know deep down that it is the power of the Holy Spirit that can only free him from the chains of the worldly ways. As we waited for his streetcar, I asked him boldly if I can pray for him. He said, "Yes".
As I prayed for him to be released from the worldly ways I couldn't help but have the words of Amazing Grace in my head singing " chains are gone, I've been set free. My God, my Savior has ransomed me. And like a flood His mercy rains. Unending love, Amazing grace....."The area of Chinatown is truly an area of all peoples. May the truth, the way and the life of Jesus Christ be rooted in the peoples of Chinatown!
JLC 2017 佈道見證
我是來自東區華夏聖經教會的李珊,這是我第二次參加「耶穌愛華埠」傳福音行動。感謝主!仍然給我機會還福音的債。保羅在林前9章16節中,「若不傳福音,我就有禍了。」我也深有同感。我去年 8 月決定辭去牙醫的工作,因為五年前,97 歲的母親臨終前幾個星期,由醫院 ICU 中搶救回來,她要求我,當她出院後幫她推輪椅帶她到大街小巷中去發福音單張,傳福音。其實她一直對人靈魂得救都有負擔,買東西會向店員傳福音,但從來沒有如此迫切,給我印象很深。主快來了,我也真怕兩手空空見主。後來主也興起環境,主感動我參加多倫多短宣中心一年本土宣教訓練,在真理上及如何接觸人上裝備自己,雖然我個性內向,拙口笨舌,但不敢把主給的一千兩銀子埋在土裡。我不以福音為恥,我相信福音是神的大能,要救一切相信的人,傳福音也是神給每一個兒女的大使命。
信是來自傳,真需要有人出去向他們傳福音,這大好的信息。主來的日子近了,有一天撒種與收割的同樣快樂。我要求主賜給我祂憐憫人的心腸,希望萬人得救,不願意一人沉淪。這次大會會歌「寶血活泉」正是我的禱告和負擔,與大家共勉之。—— 我靈速興起,回應主救贖宏恩,靈命長進,不讓主再傷心,走進大街小巷,趕快傳揚主救恩,述說主奇妙的作為。
向家人佈道小貼士(十二) -- 聖誕特別篇- 愛心行動版之「報佳音」
從一個團契或小組開始,在同一個晚上以分批行動,邀請總人數:14 位信徒參加,每組 7 人。每組中 5 人獻詩,1 人分享 3-5 分鐘得救見證,1人作 15 分鐘福音短講,最後 5-10 分鐘交談或發問問題等,程序編排可交由領隊負責。 獻詩的信徒不一定是教會的詩班團,只要熟習 4-5 首聖誕詩歌, 各組分派到未信的親友家中(探訪群組 3-5 個家庭),以家聚形式一起,聚會約 40-50 分鐘為限;與此同時,也安排了一些信主的家庭和相熟基督徒的家人陪伴左右、陪談、鼓勵和禱告等。這樣的報佳音行動,是團友們携手合作,領家人親友歸主的好時機;因此,在同一天的晚上分組行動中,可接觸到 6-10 個未信親友的家庭聽福音,對他們來說:這必定是一個喜出望外的聖誕禮物!對團友們來說:更是珍貴的聖誕禮物。
攝影: Eric Lau
1. 個人佈道聖經基礎
2. 佈道心志的操練
3. 如何擴展你的佈道視野
4. 傳福音異象分享
5. 短宣運動與教會增長
6. 如何推動本土宣教和策略
7. 異端異教面面觀
8. 學國語傳福音
9. 如何使用福音工具講救恩
10. 如何講個人/專題式得救見證
11. 如何編寫福音短講
12. 如何向陌生人傳福音
13. 如何作友誼佈道
14. 如何作福音應對
15. 如何向長者傳福音
16. 如何向病人傳福音
17. 如何向不同群體傳福音
18. 如何向商舖員工/老闆傳福音
19. 如何領家人、朋友和同事歸主
20. 如何向病人傳福音
21. 如何向飲食/餐飲業人仕佈道
22. 如何領兒童歸主
23. 如何作商場佈道
24. 如何作拍門佈道
25. 如何作福音探訪
26. 電話佈道法
27. 福音問題解答
28. 如何帶福音性查經
29. 如何作有效的跟進栽培
30. 如何向餐飲和商舖人仕作跟進栽培
31. 如何作一個好的陪談員
32. 如何培育長者靈命
33. 如何作新春佈道探訪
34. 如何作有效聖誕報佳音行動
35. 如何作關懷事工
36. 現代婦女的挑戰與使命
37. 主領福音性專題講座或佈道會
38. 其他
以上訓練及支援可按貴教會需要作出安排,費用以自由奉獻方式。查詢詳情請與短宣中心佈道主任 彭徐雪冰師母聯絡 (416-291-0200)。
願信徒興起 遍傳福音
祝 事主得力