聖經提摩太後書四:7—8 節記載了使徒保羅回顧自己的人生及事奉態度:「那美好的仗我已經打過了,當跑的路我已經跑盡了,所信的道我已經守住了。從此以後,有公義的冠冕為我存留,就是按着公義審判的主,到了那日要賜給我的;不但賜給我,也賜給凡愛慕衪顯現的人。 」
一)要打一場人生漂亮的仗 —
保羅說:那美好的仗我已經打過了。同樣地,你我是否以一積極奮發的心態去面對自己的信仰與生活?表現是否 「美好」 ?是否有以打仗作戰,戒備、裝備好的心志與行動?
二)要貫徹始終地跑盡當跑的路 —
現代中文譯本翻作: 「那值得競爭的賽跑,我已經盡了最大的努力;應當跑的全程,我已經跑過了。」 若你是基督徒,回想自己信主至今,數數有多少年?在過往當跑的路上,曾付甚麼代價積極發憤、盡自己最大的努力,貫徹姶終地去完成其中的人生賽事?
猶記得以前教中學時所舉辦的陸上運動會,印象最深刻的是其中二位運動員的表現:一位是在 110 公呎跨欄的項目。比賽進行中,其中一條跑綫的男同學,他不是跳躍起來及跨越中欄,而是一邊跑,一邊將前面的中欄逐個推倒。不錯,他是跑盡全程,而且是跑第三;但他這犯規的表現,至終被淘汰出局!試想想:究竟我們在信仰及人生路上,有沒有好好地跑盡,且是依循規矩,貫徹合理應盡的本分去完成呢?
在運動會中,另一使我留下印象深刻的,是一位在決賽中的運動健兒。於 400 公呎比賽中,原本他是領先的,但在轉彎時,失去重心,隨着衝力,整個人飛跌在地,面部及雙手也拖擦磨損。後面的健兒相繼追上。他痛苦地掙扎爬起來。旁邊的工作人員本想扶他離場中止比賽,但這位健兒卻堅持仍要跑下去!但一拐一拐地前行,勉強竭盡最大的努力與決心,繼續上路追前。結果他排列第四名。雖然他不入三甲,但他那不怕跌倒,再接再勵,勇於貫徹始終的精神與表現,贏得全場熱烈的掌聲。
三)要着意持守所信的真道 —
現代中文譯本作: 「應當守的信仰,我也守住了」 。在這光怪陸離、五光十色、充滿誘惑試探的世代,處身標榜人權、自由、民主、自決的後現代社會裏,要好好牢牢持守你認為對、認為最好的信仰真理,其實不是一件容易的事!我親自耳聞目睹不少人,曾經有一段日子,在教會、在團契非常虔誠篤信主的基督徒,可是於某—階段,因搬遷、婚姻家庭、子女問題、學業、工作等等因由,就連昔日點點的信仰,也被沖走,蕩然全無!
Attitude of Life
There are many milestones in life! Our attitudes could bring successes or losses!
In the Bible, the Apostle Paul looked back his own life and attitude in ministry: "I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. Now there is in store for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will award to me on that day—and not only to me, but also to all who have longed for his appearing."(2 Timothy 4:7-8)
Let's see how we can learn from him and make application to our own lives.
1. Fight a good fight!
Paul said: "I have fought the good fight." By the same token, do you and I have the same positive attitude for life and faith? Is the way we live "good"? Do we have the hearts to fight, to watch out, to equip, and to take actions?
A long time ago I watched a cartoon movie about a bunny rabbit fighting with a bully. When the two of them began to pull out their guns, the bully was too slow in actions. Yet the bully broke into laughters as he saw the "gun" that the bunny pulled out was not a real gun but a carrot!
In the past, we're we poorly equipped like this bunny rabbit? Have we done many sloppy jobs instead of solid jobs? Or were we empty loaded and gave up before we truly tried put efforts into work for God? Let's be determined to trust our God who gives us strength. Let's make up our minds to strive for a good fight, being fully equipped and living a real life of our own!
2. To run the race to the very end!
Paul said: "I have fought well. I have finished the race, and I have been faithful." (2 Timothy 4:7 Contemporary English Version) If you are a Christian, you may look back from the first day you trusted your life to Jesus. How long has it been? Have you tried your best on your race of life?
I still remember when I was teaching high school, we had a field Olympic. One of the student athletes, who was competing in a 110 meter hurdle race, finished the race and got a 3rd prize. However, he was disqualified because he cheated by knocking the hurdles down instead of jumping over them! How about us? Have we run a good race by following the rules?
Another athlete who was running a 400 meter race also gave me a deep impression. As he was making a turn, he had a bad fall and scraped his face and hands. Even though the workers were trying to help him , he refused to be helped and continued to finish the race! He earned the applause of the entire audience!
Truly there are many troubles and obstacles in life. Don't lose hope. Don't give up. We can finish the race by trusting God's grace and power.
3. Hold on to our faith!
" I have been faithful." (Contemporary English version 2 Timothy 4:7)
In this perverse world of temptations, people places high priority on human rights, freedom, and democracy. I have seen some devoted Christians who have dropped out of church and their faith due too problems of relocation, marriage, children, school, job, and more and more.
Let's examine ourselves today. How firm do we hold on to our faith? Is our foundation on sand or on solids? Is our faith like those houses that collapse during floods on the news? If we hold on to our faith, we can stand when troubles come!
Right now, can you and I hold fast to our faith and what we have and stand the testing of eternal value.
(Copyrights in Chinese on: Pastorkcng.com)