每逢聖誕節來臨的時候,我們都會聽到一首著名的聖詩「平安夜」(Silent Night),詩歌內容講述了耶穌基督在誕生的那夜,天使宣告救主的降生,為人類帶來救恩與平和!只可惜世人不願意遵行祂的和平之路,結果世界仍然充滿著罪惡與痛苦,其中最可怕的就是人類歷史中的兩次世界大戰,然而在這兩次戰爭中曾發生過兩個感人的「平安夜」故事!
在 1914 年,第一次世界大戰爆發的聖誕前夕,西線戰場有將近 10 萬名的英、德兩国士兵仍在激戰之中,但當 12 月 24 日平安夜來臨時,比利時伊佩爾地區前線的德軍士兵在戰壕布置起聖誕樹并唱起聖誕歌,沒想到這個舉動傳到了英國士兵的戰壕,他們竟也唱聖誕歌來回應,後來兩方士兵暫時停火,彼此交換禮物與戰俘,甚至一起踢足球!在 2014 年 12 月 5 日聯合國的秘書長潘基文在「第一次世界大戰聖誕休戰 100 週年」紀念活動中再次提起這個事蹟,並指出:「...人們應當記住戰爭的教訓,以及戰爭中所體現出的人性的最為輝煌的事例。」(聯合國新聞)
只可惜人類沒有在第一次世界大戰中吸取教訓,在短短的三十年內又爆發了第二次世界大戰!到了 1944 年的聖誕夜,歐洲戰局出現了逆轉,盟軍在諾曼底登陸,德軍節節敗退;希特勒於 12 月 16 日命令德軍在歐洲西線戰場比利時的阿登地區發動一場「突出部戰役」(Battle of Bulge),這場戰役是二戰中最血腥的一場戰役!就在戰鬥最激烈的時候,德方的許特根森林(Hürtgen Forest)有一位名叫伊麗莎白•維肯(Elisabeth Vincken)的德國婦女,為了逃避戰亂她帶著兒子住在一個狩獵小木屋裡,並不知道戰火已經臨近。正當他們等待父親回家吃聖誕晚餐時,忽然屋外有人敲門,打開門後發現竟是三位美國士兵。窩藏敵軍很可能招惹殺身之禍,但這位德國婦女憑著愛心,勇敢地接待他們!過了不久,他們又聽見敲門的聲音,這次上門的卻是四位飢寒交加的德國士兵。德、美兩兵隔著一扇木門,如同箭在弦上,生死之戰一觸即發!
這個感人的故事並沒有被人遺忘,1985 年美國前總統里根在二戰結束 40 年週年紀念大會演講時特別提到這個故事!他說:「這個故事應當不斷地被述說,因為我們很少聽說過有關於建立和平與化解冤仇的事蹟!」後來伊麗莎白的兒子弗瑞斯(Fritz Vincken)移民到了美國,與當年那位受傷的士兵布蘭克先生(Ralph Blank)再度相遇!
1. WWII: Christmas Eve miracle brought German & American soldiers together. By James F. Linzey, Chaplain, Major, ARNG (Ret.)December 27, 2017
Peace of Life
Timothy Tin
During Christmas time, the music of "Silent Night" can be heard everywhere. Our Savior's birthday was proudly announced by the angels with peace and glory. On the contrary, our world is filled with sin and pain especially during WWI and WWII. However, two touching stories had taken place during these wars!
On the outbreak of WWI in 1914, nearly 100,000 British and German soldiers on the Western Front battlefield were still in fierce battle. Yet on Christmas Eve, the German soldiers on the front line of the Ypres region of Belgium unexpectedly arranged Christmas trees around the trenches and had Christmas carols. This festive spirit drifted to the English side. Both sides began to sing in unison and concluded with a temporary ceasefire, exchanging gifts and prisoners, and even playing soccer together! On December 5th, 2014 Ban Ki-moon, the 18th Secretary-General of the UN made an announcement about this memorial event on the 100th anniversary of post-World Wars: We should learn a lesson from the past miserable world wars that led to the need of the establishment of the UN and how we had experienced the brightest side of humanity in the midst of a war." (UN News)
Yet within a short period of 30 years, WWII broke out! On December 16, Hitler ordered the Germans to launch a "prominent battle" in the Ardennes region of Belgium's western battlefield in Belgium (Battle of Bulge), the bloodiest battle in World War II. In the peak of the battle, a touching story took place.
A German woman named Elisabeth Vincken brought his son to live in a deserted hut in Hurtgen Forest to escape from the war, not knowing the war was near. While waiting for her husband to come home for Christmas dinner, she heard knocking at the door, and found three American soldiers at the door. She knew that harboring the enemy was punishable by death, but she welcomed them with love and courage. Then four German soldiers came by and asked for shelter. The battle of life and death was on the verge!
Elisabeth asked the soldiers from both sides to leave the weapons at the door and had dinner together. As they were silently eating, one German soldier started singing Silent Night in Latin! An American soldier joined in singing in English! Tears filled their eyes. Elisabeth prayed with the power of reconciliation, "Oh Lord please be in our midst and bless us..." A German soldier even performed surgery on an American soldier! That's a true Silent Night! The next morning, upon departure, Elisabeth blessed them, "I hope one day you will all go home safely. May God bless you!" They did go home safely at the end! 1
This story hasn't been forgotten. In 1985 the 40th President of the U.S., Ronald Reagan restated this incident at the 40th anniversary of the post-world war. Elisabeth's son, Fritz Vincken was able to meet with the wounded American soldier from that night!
What really brought peace to these soldiers is the Love of Christ. "For He himself is our peace, who has made the two groups one and has destroyed the barrier, the dividing wall of hostility, by setting aside in his flesh the law with its commands and regulations. His purpose was to create in himself one new humanity out of the two, thus making peace," (Ephesians 2:14,15)
Dear friends, at this moment, do you have peace in your heart? You may pray like this: "Dear Jesus, I believe that you were born for my sin and pain! That you for your salvation. You have carried my sin on the cross and resurrected on the third day. Please give me this true peace of life today. In Jesus's name, I pray. Amen."
(The author is the pastor of Christian Alliance Bible Church)
1. (WWII: Christmas Eve Miracle Brought German & American Soldiers Together by James F. Linzey, Chaplain, Major, ARNG Ret. December 27, 2017)